Cowell, A. (Oct 4, 2018). 50 Years Later, Troubles Still Cast ‘Huge Shadow’ Over Northern Ireland. New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/04/world/europe/northern-ireland-troubles.html
This article takes a look back into the sordid history of Northern Ireland and examines how the conflict has not really gone away, only subsided, since 1998.​
What you need to know about the Troubles. Imperial War Museums. https://www.iwm.org.uk/history/what-you-need-to-know-about-the-troubles
This page on this museum website provides information on the major points and events of The Troubles. It includes primary source images (photographs and artwork) from the time period; other images of objects in their collection, like specific riot guns and armored tanks; and an interview with Barry Williamson from Belfast, who provides a firsthand account of his experiences.​
​Keenan, D. (Jan 30, 2019). Top 10 books about the Troubles. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/books/2019/jan/30/top-10-books-about-the-troubles-northern-ireland-david-keenan
The books listed in this article are a mix of historical accounts, investigative journalism, fictional novels, and short story collections. Keenan had a personal interest in this conflict, as his grandfather was a member of the IRA, and had heard firsthand stories growing up.​
Longley, M. (1972). Kindertotenlieder. http://www.troublesarchive.com/artforms/poetry/piece/kindertotenlieder​
This short poem by Michael Longley was written in direct response to the first child casualty of the Troubles in 1969. ​The title translates to "Songs for dead children". Longley talks more about his inspiration in his 2017 PEN Pinter Prize lecture: https://www.newstatesman.com/politics/northern-ireland/2017/12/songs-dead-children-poetry-northern-ireland-s-troubles